Become a C4E Validator

Secure the Network. Become our partner and earn rewards!
Realizing the vision of an immutable, trustless, and permissionless decentralized energy market.

Role of C4E’ Validators
Role of C4E’ Validators

Validators are the backbone of the Chain4Energy network, by verifying and confirming transactions and proposing new blocks

Validators Rewards:

Be part of a decentralized energy market

Focus on decentralization from Day One

Verified by the 3rd party

Top scored according to the 

Strategic Reserve Delegation Program

SRDP is an innovative program designed by the C4E team to incentivize validators for network contribution.
The more you contribute the higher delegation out of 56M C4E tokens you get.

You can get delegation in the following categories:

0 M C4E
0 M C4E
Early supporter
0 M C4E
0 M C4E

For more details go to the documentation page

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Want to become a validator?

That’s great! We want you as well.

As a Validator, you will earn C4E from block rewards, staking rewards, delegated staking rewards, and network transactions.
However, we have minimum requirements that you’ll need to meet

Please read and complete this form if you want to become a Validator.